
Rotten is a vibrant exploration of modern chaos, identity, and self-awareness in a hyper-saturated world. This collage layers bold imagery, loud text, and striking colors to create a visual cacophony that reflects the complexities of contemporary life. From the playful fruits labeled as "certified organic" to the biting declarations like “warning this bitch bites,” the piece juxtaposes sweetness and aggression, innocence and rebellion.

The recurring motifs of fruit—often symbols of freshness and vitality—are paired with phrases like “rotten to the core,” questioning the hidden imperfections beneath seemingly perfect surfaces. The collage also taps into astrological humor and pop culture references, such as “Mercury was in retrograde,” inviting viewers to reflect on the way we deflect, justify, and navigate life's unpredictability.

Through its chaotic composition, Rotten captures the tension between external personas and internal truths, encouraging viewers to embrace both their polished and flawed selves in a society obsessed with perfection.

Software: Adobe Photoshop

Year: 2024




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